Case Study: Wounds, Mobility, QOL
Cambridge Health and Rehab Center, Fairfield, CT
Sandra Flores, COTA
Nicole Radi, MS, APRN, FNP-BC Optum
Patient: 89 yo female, long term care resident
Primary Diagnosis: Healed Stage 3 sacral wound, dementia, heart failure, hx of MI,
COPD, gout, OA, muscle weakness, GERD
Existing Wheelchair Seating: Patient was seated in a standard sling seat wheelchair
with a high profile air flotation cushion
Positioning / clinical Issues: Patient has a healed Stage 3 sacral wound. However, the air
flotation cushion being utilized required frequent assessments and adjustments which
placed the pt at risk and required nursing/therapy time for assessment and documentation.
Therapy attempted multiple times to change the cushion, including the use of gel, foam, and
gel-foam combinations. Therapy found that these cushions either compromised pressure
redistribution, including the re-opening of the wound / the ability for the pt to self mobilize
independently. This resulted in a continued search for the correct intervention.
PostureWorks Intervention: Matrix medium profile cushion
Outcome: The patient is now able to self mobilize independently in her wheelchair with the
Matrix cushion in place. She is not limited in sitting tolerance, thus leisure activities are not
limited. There have been no noted skin concerns or areas of pressure. The pt reports
improved QOL.
Quality Outcome Measures Impacted by Intervention: Wounds, QOL, Mobility
Feedback from Patient: “I am comfortable and can move my chair around still.”
Feedback from Therapist: “I am so happy that we found an intervention to allow my
patient to be independent with functional mobility while still protecting her skin. It requires
almost no maintenance ensuring that it will continue to be an effective intervention.”
Feedback from Optum NP: “I am very satisfied that my member was able to experience
such a positive outcome utilizing this cushion, and I am grateful that it was able to
improve her quality of life.”
Note: This is a representative example; actual user evaluations, and decisions regarding the appropriateness
of a particular product for a particular individual, should always be made by a qualified healthcare