Have a question about The PostureWorks? Please see below for a list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed below, please contact us.
Have a question about The PostureWorks? Please see below for a list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed below, please contact us.
Do you use gel in your products?
Matrix: the Matrix Series cushions use a dry polymer gel called Gel Elastic Matrix (GEM). GEM provides many advantages over older gels:
Skin Protection: GEM aids in skin protection in several ways:
Pressure reduction
Shear reduction
Ventilation (temperature and humidity regulation)
Maintenance: there is virtually no maintenance required with GEM. Other gel products may require frequent kneading of the gel to ensure that it has not spread out in the pouch.
Durability: GEM is a highly durable gel that is backed by a five (5) year warranty. Many other gel products run high risks of the gel pouches bursting, rendering the products useless and creating a mess.
Engage APOD®: The PostureWorks uses pressure relieving visco elastic foam in the Engage APOD® products. In combination with proper positioning, this provides very good pressure relief for the users.
What is the warranty for The PostureWorks products?
Engage APOD® products are under warranty for a period of eighteen (18) months. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship when the product is used under normal conditions.
Matrix Series products have an GEM core that is under warranty for a period of five (5) years, and a cover with a warranty of one (1) year. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship when the product is used under normal conditions.
Are the PostureWorks products covered by Medicare or insurance?
The PostureWorks products are often paid for by the facility, private insurance, or through private pay (family).
In the long term care environment, Medicare presently does not reimburse for this class of device.
Are there any adjustments that are made to the wheelchair when using the PostureWorks Engage APOD® or Matrix Series wheelchair cushions?
Like any seating device, sometimes there are adjustments that may need to be made to the wheelchair to best position the resident when using the PostureWorks seating products. These adjustments should be made under the supervision of a healthcare professional that is familiar with wheelchair positioning, such as a member of the rehabilitation staff. Potential wheelchair adjustments include:
Footrest adjustments:
The wheelchair foot rests may need to be raised to properly support the patient’s feet when using The PostureWorks seating products. This is important to ensure that undue pressure is not applied to the back of the patient’s legs, which could result in skin breakdown. Caregivers are solely responsible for proper foot rest adjustment / foot support, and supervision.
Wheelchair height:
Many wheelchairs offer multiple height options – standard height (typically 19.5″) and hemi height (typically 17.5″). The chair height is adjusted by moving the wheel axle up or down the wheelchair frame. For some residents who propel with their feet, particularly when using a Low Profile PostureWorks Engage or Matrix, adjusting the wheelchair to a hemi height can enable them to continue to propel while using the PostureWorks device.
Back adjustments:
The PostureWorks Engage APOD® cushions can be used in conjunction with reclining wheelchair backs or drop back seats to create a “tilt-in-space” effect. Note: if a drop back or reclining back is used, the patient’s center of gravity will be shifted back and the caregiver must evaluate the need for anti-tippers on the wheelchair.
What material do you use to cover the products?
The PostureWorks uses medical grade covers that are hygienic, breathable, easy to clean, and durable.
The material we use in our covers lends itself to skin protection:
It has favorable stretch properties to reduce areas of pressure
It has favorable vapor transfer rates to assist in ventilation
The cover has a biostatic coating which provide an impenetrable barrier to virus and bacteria. The material is fluid proof and all seams are welded using either RF or US welding techniques, which create a barrier that is impervious to fluids.
The PostureWorks seating products (Engage and Matrix) use an upholstered cover (rather than a removable incontinence cover) to simplify cleaning and reduce the likelihood of a cover being lost while being laundered.
Which size wheelchairs do you support with your products?
The PostureWorks Seating Orthosis is manufactured for standard 16″ and 18″ wide wheelchairs.
The PostureWorks also makes devices for any other sized wheelchair on special order (e.g. 14″, 22″, or 24″ wide wheelchairs). The lead time for a special order is approximately 2 – 3 weeks.
What do you mean user friendly?
The PostureWorks designs all of its products to be easy to use and to address many of the problems that are found among people in wheelchairs.
The PostureWorks products are designed to solve problems that are prevalent in long term care (e.g. positioning, skin protection, falls reduction).
The PostureWorks products are designed to be easily cleaned and maintained; they simply work and do not require frequent intervention by therapists or nurses.
The PostureWorks products are designed to be durable and long lasting.
The PostureWorks products are priced to be affordable to long term care facilities and individuals.
How are the Matrix Series wheelchair cushions different from other products on the market?
The PostureWorks Matrix Series cushions incorporate Gel Elastic Matrix (GEM), a unique dry polymer gel core that provides an unparalleled combination of skin protection, ease of use, and durability.
The Matrix Series cushions provide excellent skin protection through pressure management, shear reduction, and good ventilation between the skin and the cushion surface.
The products are easy to clean and require virtually no maintenance aside from cleaning.
Which residents are not appropriate for the PostureWorks Engage APOD®?
The PostureWorks Engage APOD® is not appropriate for residents who:
Propel their wheelchairs with their feet (unless they can reach the floor while sitting on Engage APOD®, which is rare)
Independent transfer (they will have difficulty transferring out of the medium or high profile device)
Minimum assist transfer (they will have difficulty transferring out of the medium or high profile device)
Which residents are appropriate for the PostureWorks Engage APOD®?
The PostureWorks Engage APOD® has proven effective for many geriatric residents with chronic and difficult wheelchair positioning problems, including:
Sacral sitting and sliding
Extensor tone (including many CVA patients with very strong tone)
Residents with sitting discomfort (including residents with pommel cushions)
Pelvic thrusting and / or retro-pulsion
Lower body contractures
Hip asymmetries
Low (flaccid) tone
Lateral leaning
Forward leaning
In addition, several PostureWorks customers have successfully returned residents from geri-chairs back to wheelchairs, with dramatic improvements.
How is the Engage APOD® orthotic wheelchair cushion different from other products on the market?
The PostureWorks Engage APOD® incorporates a unique design that provides superior positioning and pressure relief than other seating products on the market. The heart of the Engage APOD® design is the internal frame. This frame provides the structure that positions the hips and pelvis, and the stability to maintain the proper positioning.
Additionally, the frame of the Engage APOD® maintains its structural integrity over time. This is in sharp contrast with other wedge devices which tend to be made from foam and lose their shape over time. This can be dangerous because as the wedge loses its shape, a resident may become at risk of falling from the wheelchair.
2. Nursing Order/Request for Customer Rehabilitation Screen
3. Wheelchair Seating and Positioning Evaluation Short Form
4. Wheelchair Seating and Mobility Evaluation
5. Seating and Mobility Evaluation with Wheelchair Measurement
6. Common Treatment Dx for Wheelchair Management
7. Med B guidelines for Seating and Positioning Related Items