shutterstock_1126373Life Care Center of Hendersonville,

Hendersonville, NC
Amanda Sorrill, PT



Patient: 92 year old female pt who is 67 in and 168 lbs

Primary Diagnosis: s/p acute colectomy with functional decline, anemia, mild
cognitive impairments, HTN, type 2 DM, chronic kidney disease, PVD, macular

Existing Wheelchair Seating: Pt admitted from the hospital with a significant
functional decline and required the support of a positioning chair without a cushion.

Positioning / Clinical Issues: In the positioning chair the pt was unable to be effectively
positioned for meals to promote independence with self feeding and safe
swallowing. The positioning chair limited the pts self mobilization. The pt sits for
prolonged periods of time in her chair and requires a supportive cushion to enable
her to transition into a sling seat wheelchair.

PostureWorks Intervention: Sling seat wheelchair with a Silver Care Basic cushion.

Outcome: Pt is now in a position that allows for improved independence with self
feeding and safe swallowing. She is able to self mobilize in her wheelchair inside the
facility. She is comfortable and happy.

Quality Outcome Measures Impacted by Intervention: Quality of life, self mobility
and ADLs

Feedback from patient: “I am happy about progressing to a wheelchair, and my
cushion has helped make this transition possible.”

Note: This is a representative example? actual user evaluations, and decisions regarding the
appropriateness of a particular product for a particular individual, should always be made by a qualified
healthcare professional.

Wheelchair Seating Case Study: Stage 3 Pressure Injury
Wheelchair Seating Case Study: Dementia