Life Care Center of Athens, Athens, TN
Starr Crater, COTA
Primary Diagnosis: Dementia with behavioral disturbance
Existing Wheelchair Seating: Broda chair with footrest and headrest, foam
anti-thrust cushion.
Positioning / clinical Issues: Posterior pelvic tilt, sliding forward, extensor tone,
falls from Broda chair both without a cushion and then with a foam anti-thrust cushion.
PostureWorks Intervention: Engage APOD High Profile cushion placed upon the
Broda chair.
Outcome: Improved pelvic position, reduced extensor tone, increased visual field for
interaction. PT has not had a fall since intervention (approx 4 weeks).
Quality Outcome Measures Impacted by Intervention: Falls
Feedback from Nurse: “He looks a lot better.”
Feedback from Therapist: “He doesn’t slide forward like he used to”
Note: This is a representative example; actual user evaluations, and decisions regarding
the appropriateness of a particular product for a particular individual, should always be made by a
qualified healthcare professional.