Matrix, Position Pro, Space Saver Back Support
Pain Reduction, Rx Reduction, ADL Improvement
100+ Bed Skilled Nursing Facility
Genesis Rehab Services Contracted
Patient: 66 y/o male
Primary Diagnosis: UE and LB pain, onset of pneumonia, aspiration, pneumonia
Existing Wheelchair Seating: Standard sling seat wheelchair and a foam cushion
Positioning / Clinical Issues: Pt was presenting with severe back pain reporting 10/10
and required scheduled Oxycontin (3 pills) TID. Pain greatly affected pt’s sitting
tolerance and limited his ability to be upright in a WC to 3 hours. Most days, pt only
tolerated being up for meals. The combination of pain and decreased sitting tolerance
significantly limited pt’s ability to participate in activites of daily living, rehab and/or
leisure pursuits.
Pt was also not able to tolerate standing for any period of time due to pain and
decreased LE/core strength. He was dependent on a hoyer lift to complete all functional
PostureWorks Intervention: Matrix Medium Profile Cushion, Position Pro Insert, Space
Saver Back Support
Outcome: Combined interventions provided optimal pressure redistubution in both the sling seat
and sling back of pt’s seating system. Pt began to report a decline in pain which allowed
a reduction in Oxycontin to 2 pills TID. At best, pain decreased from 10/10 to 0/10. As a
result, pt was able to sit up in WC up to 6 hours, and pt was able to tolerate an increase
in therapy.
Patient’s motivation enabled him to participate in both PT and OT at an Ultra High RUG
level, which allowed the patient and therapy to reach goals that they were unable to
reach prior to the positioning intervention. Improved functional limitations and disabilities
that were addressed included a decrease in pain and an increase in strength, balance,
and standing tolerance.
Upon time of DC, pt completed slide board transfers at stand by assist and achieved
increased static supported standing tolerance from 0 minutes to 30 minutes. Pt now
requires less caregiver assistance without the need for the Hoyer lift to complete
functional transfers. Pt is now also able to engage in leisure pursuits that are positively
impacting his quality of life.
Quality Outcome Measures Impacted by Intervention: Pain, Rx Reduction, ADLs,
Quality of Life
Feedback from Patient: “ My back feels so much better. The back support really helps
to relieve a lot of my low back pain. Because of my cushion, my bottom pain is clearing
up a lot, and I don’t have to lay down to take pressure off of it. Due to the excellent work
of my therapists my back pain has decreased quite a bit allowing me to stand longer and
to complete slide board transfers. I can also sit on the edge of the bed without low back
pain, which I couldn’t do before.”
Note: This is a representative example; actual user evaluations, and decisions regarding the
appropriateness of a particular product for a particular individual, should always be made by a
qualified healthcare professional.