shutterstock_53185147smFor many clinicians, wheelchair cushion selection can seem confusing and difficult to many clinicians. We all have a “way” that we assess and provide intervention for seating and positioning and everyone’s individual technique should work for them however at the end of the day it comes down to a couple of simple facts each time:

1) After the mat evaluation is completed the clinician tries correlate the results of the mat evaluation with the patient’s sitting posture in the wheelchair.

2) The clinician provides support, accommodations or correction to deviations and asymmetries. (Remember that some of our products correct the underlying etiology of deviations- it is always better to treat the etiology than the symptom).

3) The clinician meets the patient’s needs through creating a “wheelchair orthosis”.

When written out it seems simple but we all know it isn’t.  Seating and positioning is half science and half art. As you and your team create wheelchair orthotics feel free to call The PostureWorks with any questions (we love dialoging about difficult pts). Also, keep in mind that we have a 10 day return policy on our products to ensure that your pts end up with the correct orthotic!

Life’s Little Emergencies
Preventative Care Through Wheelchair Seating